Sunday, September 9, 2018

My class on bowl making

Yesterday, I taught my class on how to make a coiled fabric bowl, to 9 students!  That's a record number for one of my classes, but it worked out well.  All were anxious to learn how to make the bowls, and by the end of the day, each student had made a bowl to take home with them, and they were enthusiastic about making more!  Here are some photos I took during class:

Students working diligently on their bowls

Barbara working on the last few rows

Carla and Jeanna making great progress

Sue and Marla, with their colorful creations

Karen's bright, cheerful bowl, almost done

Karen with her finished bowl

Sharon, focused on her project

Sherry, with her colorful bowl

I was so pleased that all of the students seemed to have a fun, productive day, and hope they will continue creating more bowls.  My next class - Lids, Handles & Embellishments - is scheduled for next month, open only to students who have taken my basic bowl class, and there are at least 2 from this class who plan to sign up.  I will post pictures of that class afterword.  Happy bowl-making, ladies!


Beth said...

That looks like so much fun. Wish I could have attended!!

Sherrie Spangler said...

Looks like a very colorful class!