Sunday, June 20, 2010

Samples for next week's class

I think I've mentioned before that I am teaching a class in gradation dyeing on the 26th, with my pal Wendy, Art Quilter extraordinaire. We have about 10 students signed up, mostly from our Quilters' Guild. The first 3 exercises we will be teaching are solid color dyeing, one color gradation, then two color gradation. Since there is almost always leftover dye, the fourth exercise will be 'Happy Accidents', where the students will be using up the leftovers with no clear idea of what the result will be. Our first thought was to just have them pour the dyes over a 'scrunched' piece of fabric, but then we decided to offer instruction on one of a few 'tied' samples, so I dyed 4 samples today to show them. All but one can be accomplished with just rubber bands... the first uses can lids as well. Here they are:

Now I'm all hot to do these same things on clothing... of course, the designs won't be as crisp on jersey as they are on woven cotton, but they still come out looking pretty neat... sometimes I get so caught up in one particular technique that I forget there are others!!! Anyway, stay tuned, 'cause I will be posting pix of the class and the student pieces after next Saturday's class... can't wait!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love your samples... the class is going to have a ball!

And my poncho arrived, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you! Beautiful!