Sunday, January 3, 2010

Another goal for 2010!

Okay, I know... I'm such an over-achiever! There are just sooooo many things I want to do. This is something I have been wanting to do for awhile, and I just decided I am going to at least make a start this year. When I was first trying to learn how to tie-dye, there was very little available in the way of instruction... I found a few small booklets showing a series of basic folds, with general instructions on how to apply the dye. It was enough for me to get started, but I found it very frustrating not to be able to actually see someone do the folds, dye the item... it's just the way I learn best. Over time, I experimented, but the big 'aha' for me was when I got my first video showing how to do various designs. First off, I learned to dampen my garment before tying the design. Then I learned a better way to tie the design than I had been using. Then I learned new designs... it blew my mind! Since then I have found a few more videos, joined some dyers' forums, and built up my skillsets so that I think I am finally ready to try my hand at creating some simple video instructions to post on my 'Hippiewear' blog, where almost everyone who visits is looking for tie-dye patterns! I have posted some links on the blog to forums and other sources of information, but would love to share some of what I have learned with other dyers that takes the encounter beyond the written word, into the world of visual demonstration. Probably sounds impossibly ambitious, but I think it can be done in a simple manner... wish me luck! And stay tuned... this could be good for a few laughs!


Cate Rose said...

Sounds good to me, Judy. Good luck with moving it forward.

Karen said...

How exciting. I'll be looking forward to seeing it.

Unknown said...

Oh Judy, this is a fab idea, I can't wait to see your vids!

- Judi