Monday, February 9, 2009

Woo-hoo! It's show time!

Wow! I just got an e-mail that I will be given the opportunity to show my art quilts in November at the Mountain Oasis International Restaurant in Flagstaff. I just ate there last Friday for the first time, and their menu is fabulous, and the restaurant is lovely! I'm soooooo jazzed! That gives me plenty of time to finish a bunch more work... they prefer to have at least 10 pieces for the show, and I'm at 7 right now. Two of the 7 are pretty small, so I would like to have 10 about the same size range... 21" X 29" is the average. I'm a happy camper!


Michele/TextileTraveler said...

Congrats, Judy! That's very exciting!

mzjohansen said...

Who Hooo - That is way good good news. Congratulations!

Rayna said...

Judy, that is terrific - I hope you sell a bunch! Congratulations - a solo exhibit is always a good thing.

Cate Rose said...

Good for you, Judy, way to go!

Jane LaFazio said...

congrats! Can't wait to see what you create.

Chris Daly said...

Well Done! Your work is beautiful!