Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I don't do a lot of decorating for Christmas any more... it's just my DH and I, and he doesn't really care about such things. But I have always been a sucker for Christmas lights. In years past, I have drug out the ladder and tried hanging lights along the roof, but the winds here wreak havok on them, and I end up having to rehang and rehang... this year, I decided to string some lights on a young Russian Olive tree I planted a few years ago. Then along came the snow and made it difficult to plug the lights into the outdoor outlet, so I haven't been able to enjoy them too much. Last night I plugged them in and left them on overnight, and saw this scene when I got up this morning:
This is looking out our front door toward the tree... kind of magical, I think!

On another note, I have been working on my 'Slow Cloth' project for a couple of days, and thought I would post a progress picture:

It's a little difficult to see the stitching, since I am using white floss to highlight the white/light areas, but in person it is starting to take shape. I call this section 'Milky Way'... I'll let you use your imagination to see if it looks like it to you. Stay tuned for further progress reports. Meanwhile, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!


Chris Daly said...

Merry Christmas Judy!

arlee said...

a luminescent start to the slow cloth