Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Free Motion Quilting class

Saturday, I took a class at our local fabric store, Odegaard's. The class was Free Motion Quilting, taught by Wendy Wetzel, one of our board members at the Coconino Quilters' Guild. Wendy teaches this class about 4 times a year, but this was the first time I could fit it into my schedule. There were 14 of us in a small classroom, but we managed to squeeze in! I meant to take a picture, but by the time I got a chance, many of the students had scattered for breaks. At any rate, Wendy knows her stuff, and we learned a bunch of different patterns. Here are my 'quilt sandwich' samplers:
I enjoyed the class, and learned some really neat patterns, which I hope to put to use soon! One thing that Wendy emphasized was to practice, practice, practice! And maybe now I will get myself to actually doodle... repeating the patterns over and over will train my brain and hands. So today, when I pick up my sewing machine after it's first clean/service, it's going to get a workout!


Anonymous said...

Have fun Judy! I am a complete novice but really find it very satisfying to doodle with the sewing machine!

Jane LaFazio said...

geez, do I ever need that class!! Melly gave me a lesson, but she's sooooooo good at it..