Sunday, January 25, 2009

Thoughts on journalling

I have been journalling since the first of this month as part of the exercises from 'The Artist's Way' by Julia Cameron. The exercise requires writing 'morning pages'... 3 pages of 'stream-of-consciousness' writing, which basically means fill 3 pages with whatever comes to mind... no planning, no thought of how someone will interpret it, because it is not meant to be read by anyone! I tried this before a long time ago, and then it seemed like a chore, and I abandoned it after a short time. This time, I am sticking with it, and I find that it is somehow opening up my creative channels, AND I am following through with ideas and plans! Somehow, putting pen to paper seems to commit me to action. I have no idea if that is the purpose originally intended by the author, but I know that is the result I have experienced so far. So for anyone reading this, if you seem to be stuck in neutral, creatively, you might want to pick up this book. I bought one years ago, then leant it out, so I ended up buying another one at our local used book store. It's probably also available at the library, although it is a 12-week course, so you might need to renew it before you are done. At any rate, it's helping me to do a little house-cleaning to remove old ideas and try new ones... worth a try!


Cate Rose said...

Morning Pages are a wonderful process. I did them years ago when I, too, worked through The Artist's Way. Unfortunately, I can't write for any length of time anymore, with my carpal tunnel. Although I've thought about doing them on the computer! But the collage journaling is working well for me now.

Michele/TextileTraveler said...

I love The Artist's Way and have worked through it twice over the last few years. I usually stick with the journal pages for a year or so, then start slacking off. Right now I'm writing about 3 or 4 days, but that's still better than nothing! Good luck with the process--it's amazing how it can open you up.

Sandra Wyman said...

Hi Judy - I too am getting a lot out of the morning pages, and I am doing them in the morning - keeping pad and paper next to the bed so it's the first thing I do see,s to work = it's amazing how many things can get sorted and how many ideas started. Now I need to focus on the artists date which is eluding me.

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

I agree, Sandra. The artist's date is a hard habit for me to get into... I'm such a homebody that it's hard for me to get out unless I jam together a bunch of errands! But I am doing regular exercise, even at home, which gives me 45-60 minutes to myself. Today I did yoga, and that helps me to get centered, so I'm going to call that my Artist's date for now...

Jane LaFazio said...

good for you for doing Artist's Way!!!!!!!!
Happy Valentines day dear Judy!