Thursday, December 8, 2022

Fun new project!

 I've been busy doing a number of things since my last post, but I'm having so much fun on my current project that I couldn't wait to start showing you what I'm doing!

I was browsing Instagram the other day and came across a post by Kristin Peterson of alteredstatestudio - it was about a fabric vessel she created with part of a plastic milk carton, fabric scraps and loads of craft glue.  I visited her blog at and saw 2 variations - the one with a milk carton, the other using a balloon.  Well, I didn't have the milk carton (do now, just have to drink up the milk!) but I did have balloons and heaven knows I have a ton of fabric scraps, so off I went!  I didn't have a lot of elmer's school glue but did have a bottle of Mod Podge Stiffy - which is pretty much the same thing.  I culled through some fabric scraps, pulled a bunch out and grabbed a container to pour the stiffy in and a cheap brush.  Here are some process shots:

Here is the bowl, resting in a colander to allow the glue to dry.

Still drying - it takes awhile, since there are 3 layers of fabric, each with a layer of Stiffy.

Dry and resting on a potential base, made of rope with fabric wrapped around it, stitched into a circle.

Here's a shot of the inside 

I wanted to try stitching with embroidery floss, and decided to create needle holes first.  Note;  it was very challenging to work the needle through and find the hole on the inside to return the needle to the outside!  

Here's the bowl after doing some stitching.  It's nowhere near being done, but I needed a rest after stitching just that small area!  

I can't explain it, but things like this are always so intriguing to me!  I know it's a very simple idea, but I think they are amazing, and no doubt I will be finishing this and making more.  Stay tuned!



Sherrie Spangler said...

You're full of surprises! I'm intrigued by your latest project.

Lynda Heines said...

Judy, you must have been where I was because I also saw that same tutorial and was quite interested! Glad to see you made one. Love it!