Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Gel Glue resist experiments

I am working with my friend Wendy Wetzel to create a new Dye Divas class, and one of the things we want to demo is Gel Glue resist and painting with thickened dyes. I did one sampler, but forgot to cover it and batch, and the dyes did not bond with the cloth... bummer! So the next attempt, I made sure to cover with plastic for 24 hours after I finished applying the thickened dyes, and got much better results! Here is the sampler:
This is a fun method to create designs, and using thickened dyes instead of fabric paints leaves the fabric softer. So this can be used for clothing items as well as art pieces... something I really like! I just got a neat pattern for an unconstructed jacket, and I hope to do some with fabric I create using Gel Glue resist... I'll post pix if I get the jacket done!

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