Monday, November 2, 2009

Ice dyeing - first attempt

Well, I have tried yet another method of dyeing fabric, and I'm totally in love with the results! I came across this blog post over a year ago and added it to my faves with the idea I would get around to trying it eventually. Well, eventually came today:
I just wish I could get better pictures of the markings and color variations... you'll just have to use your imagination. And if you be a dyer like me, if you haven't tried this yet, you have to! It is sooooo easy! I even had to put the scrunched fabric and it's bucket in the freezer for awhile this morning, 'cause wouldn't you know? It didn't freeze last nite! Basically, after pre-soaking with soda ash solution, I scrunched the fabric (1/2 yard of muslin), put it in a small bucket and put it on the deck overnite. When I discovered that it wasn't frozen this morning, I put it in the freezer for an hour. Then it was stiff, so I took it out and poured on Orchid, Lilac and Avocado dyes and let it sit about 6 hours. Then I did the normal rinse and wash. Could I just dye fabric from now on? I'm ready! But of course, I do have to try this on a shirt next, so look for future posts about ice dyeing clothing as well!


Cate Rose said...

Fabulous, Judy! I've wanted to try ice or snow dyeing -- unfortunately I don't live where it's possible. So enjoy it for me, too!

Vicki W said...

Ohhhh ahhhh, must try this soon!

mary said...

oh very cool judy i am going to have to try that!

Susan Italo said...

Very very cool! I live in So CA, where snow is a figment of the imagination. Thanks for sharing the directions for non-snow snow dyeing. And for letting us know that the result is different from other lwi techniques. Off to make room in the freezer....