Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Spring has Sprung!

 Yes, we are finally into Spring, and I've broken out the shorts and flip flops, although it's not quite warm enough to wear them all the time yet.  But we're getting there!

Meanwhile, I'm in full ice dye mode - set up a dye area in our Patio room so I can do more than one or two items at once, and have had such fun trying new patterns and color combos!

Here's one of my favorites so far:

This is 2 colors: Golden Brown and Brushed Steel.  My goal was to leave some white on the shirt and I found a video tutorial that taught me just how to do it.  I really love the negative space and all the jagged edges of the colors, very cool!  This method is called incline ice dye, where I actually place the dyed shirt on an angle to batch, and it lets the dye slowly migrate out as the ice melts.  This will definitely be a regular pattern for me!

On the bowl front, I got a brain storm that I am going to test at Arts Connection and Sedona Artist Market, but I'll share it here as well:

It occurred to me that when people see my bowls, they may not think of using them for a gift basket, so maybe this will plant the seed!  I'm also adding a list to the flier with upcoming Gift dates for them to think of, and decided to make an Easter themed basket that I was going to have on display at Arts connection, but a friend from CA saw a picture I posted on facebook and asked to buy it!

Although we thought all the regular artists would be breaking down at Arts Connection for the month while the Recycle Art Exhibit took over, we got very few entries so we made room for them at the front of the gallery and continue to have a full gallery display in the rest of the area.  No month off for me, but that's all good - more opportunities for me to share my work!
On another front, I have decided to start posting items for sale on my business facebook page Judy Sall Originals.  I'll also share to my personal page for any who are not following my business page.  It will be sporadic and when I have items available that are not in either of the galleries where I sell.  We'll see if it pans out - can't hurt to try, right? 😊

I know there was something else I wanted to share, but can't remember what it was!  Aah, the joys of growing older, lol!  So I'll get this posted and wish you all a happy Spring!

1 comment:

Sherrie Spangler said...

Love your gift basket ideas! And you're really becoming a master at the ice dying!