Sunday, September 4, 2016

Open Studios Tour and Gallery news

Last weekend was the 19th Annual Flagstaff Open Studios Tour... my 8th year of being a participating artist.  We had 6 artists at our location, and a record number of folks stopped by to browse, buy, and talk with the artists!

The tour is over for another year, but the Arts Connection Gallery in the mall is still going strong, and I added my rack of shirts and jackets along with scarves and bowls to the items available there:

On my schedule of things to do this month: make sure I have enough inventory for my final 2 shows of the year AND the gallery!  Back to the salt mines... ;-)


Beth said...

Love the pots - especially the last one!!!!!

Jeanne Aird said...

Looks like you have a lot of fabulous items for sale. Good luck with making more and selling them.