Tuesday, August 16, 2016

A brief side trip

I got sidetracked a little this past week from my regular routine of dyeing shirts, making coiled bowls, etc.  My blogger buddy Lynda Heines posted a tutorial about how to make cloth dolls, and I decided to try her method which was a little different than one I had made last year.  Here is my doll:

I like how this came out, but decided to do a little on-line search for other types of Spirit Doll, and found another tutorial by Joanna Powell Colbert which is quite different, and it intrigued me.  So several days were devoted to gathering twigs, culling through my stash of fabric, yarns, etc.  Here are the 4 I made from her tutorial:
I finally had to pack everything up yesterday and hit the reset button in order to get back on track, but I don't think these will be the only ones that come of my new obsession!


Beth said...

Great dolls Judy. I have so much fun making dolls myself.

Rayna said...

These are so cool! It's good to get sidetracked periodically; that's what enriches us and makes life interesting. Obsession, huh? It doesn't take much, does it? Have fun!

Sherrie Spangler said...

I love the spirit dolls. Where did you get the faces?